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This is an 8 hour class that will be held for small groups only (max 3) in my work shop at my house in Katy about 10 minutes west of American Shooting Centers. Cost is $250 per person and includes the NRA course book. Information covered includes:
My first reloading press and setup was my 1980 (first) Father’s Day present. The various pieces of equipment used over the years have provided endless hours of fun, relaxation and experimentation. Now, after some 45 years of loading for my competitive shooting and most of a million rounds downrange, I teach this outstanding NRA designed class on reloading. I wish it had been available back in my dark ages. It could have saved me hours of anxiety (am I doing this correctly?) and a good bit of money from mistakes made. I would have also learned to start making much more accurate ammunition much sooner. Come learn, come talk, come ask questions, come load your first rounds.
Our next class with openings is January 11, 2025.
Private classes are available on weekdays by appointment. Same price – $199 per person with a minimum of $450 – covering the same material. Contact me at and we can discuss your class.
March 15, 2025 - 1 slot still open
June 7, 2025 - 3 slots open
Pick a class and click on the link below to register. GoDaddy no longer allows people in the firearms business to use their payment portal so, after registration, we will call you for payment.